CeVIO & VoiSona Wiki

A CeVIO Character is a "vocalist", "speaker", or "mascot" (unofficial terminology)[1] refers heavily to an illustrated character of a CeVIO Creative Studio™, CeVIO AI™ or CeVIO Pro™-powered voicebank; although a product name or miscellaneous representation (like an avatar) can be included. Characters released for VoiSona™ and VoiSona Talk™ are also included on this article as a sister brand to the CeVIO™ software.

The marketing of a vocalist varies by company and some companies may provide their vocalist with a basic profile, backstory, or personality that the consumer can work with. The illustration of a vocalist has no effect on the software and is done purely for decorative purposes.

For a list of CeVIO and VoiSona voicebanks by engine, see Status.

In order for a product to be classified as a "CeVIO Character" or a "VoiSona Character", there should be acknowledgment by the CeVIO Project or Techno-Speech, Inc. under their licensing terms and there is a CeVIO Creative Studio™, CeVIO AI™, CeVIO Pro™, VoiSona™ or VoiSona Talk™-powered vocal in development or fully released. This includes characters from games with vocals powered by the CeVIO Creative Studio™, CeVIO AI™, CeVIO Pro™, VoiSona™ or VoiSona Talk™ software, as well as privatized vocals.

It can be noted that fanmade Derivatives and other synthesizer characters are not classified as "CeVIO & VoiSona Characters".

Table of Contents[]

By default, characters are sorted from newest to oldest.



  1. The usage of the term "mascot" in this way is a CeVIO & VoiSona Wiki innovation.

